In the 2013 case of Lisa Karas v. New NGC, Inc., attorney James Radford obtained a judgment totaling $226,658 for back pay, front pay, emotional distress, and pre-judgment interest, for our client, who had been terminated from her job on the basis of her sex. Ms. Karas testified that her supervisor told her she was not “tough enough” on the employees at her plant, and that he believed a man would be better suited for her position. After a two-day trial, the jury found that Ms. Karas had suffered discrimination.
The jury awarded a verdict of $129,000, to compensate Ms. Karas for all her lost wages to the date of trial. The jury also awarded $10,000 for emotional distress. After trial was over, the judge awarded an additional $87,658 for future lost earnings and interest, for a total judgment of $226,658.
If you have the evidence to prove you were the victim of employment discrimination, we want to help you. Contact us today.
The jury’s verdict form is below:
Verdict Form in Lisa Karas v. New NGC, Inc. Awarding Judgment to Plaintiff by jamesradfordjr